
awkward and awesome thursday.

leaping on the daybook bandwagon.  here's my version of sydney's awkward and awesome thursday.

these three quotes from kids at work today: 1.  "thank god you got me out of there" as i was picking up a kid from class. 2. "when i grow up i'm going to buy my friend beer" and 3. "i can make a grown man cry".

too much sun + stress + more stress = fever blister.  awkward.  it's like the talking stain...only on my face.

pretending not to be home when a strange young man knocked on my door [i think he was selling lawn services].  i literally crawled to avoid him.  i don't deal well with solicitors.

saying "hi" to a coworker who didn't say hi back.  i'm going to assume she doesn't like didn't hear me.

talking myself out of buying a dress at target.  aloud.

the only time i can pull the librarian's son out of class for speech...is during reading.  oops.

i could actually file this under awkward and awesome.  awkward that i used my school's fax machine to fax my waking temp chart to my doctor this morning.  awesome that she thinks i ovulated based on my temps.  i guess she cracked the code.  not awesome that it was while jake was out of town.  wah wah.

tomorrow is friday and that means jake comes back and we have a very light weekend.  hallelujah.  

sunday is my twenty-seventh birthday.

i finally got to walk my doggy tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. I have had most of those awkward things happen at school; coworkers not saying hi back. Kids saying funny things. I always ask what they did over the weekend and one boy said we went bowling as a family because my dad just got out of jail. Don't get fever blisters but hear stress is a huge cause. Yeah.that your doc thinks you ovulated but boo that Jake was.gone. will text name of vocabulary cards tomorrow


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