
a frame a day.

beach bod season is over.  so i've had one too many goodies at work and i feel like there may be a little tension on my threads.

this is as close as i got to the scale today.
then i decided...eh...as long as my pants zip.

i try to avoid "the number" at all costs.



  1. "Don't sit like that!!!! You'll put to much tension on the threads of your pants". I miss those Rumball family reunions:) Keep your chin up sis. You will come out smiling at the end of this journey!!! Try not to forget that.

  2. I laughed too! Oh, the one liners our family has given us! I ignore the numbers too. That way, when someone asks how much I weigh, I can honestly say, "I have no idea." However, divorce is good for ONE thing....weight loss! Your tummy's too full of anxiety, stress and worry to eat. You feel full ALL the time. Not necessarily a good thing, but I cling onto any "positive" I can right now. Keep your chin up, girlie. YOU would look beautiful at any size and something tells me you'll keep it under control! "Love your hair", "Sorry about your luck", "Air out your bum" {and ALL the rest} xoxo


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