

today, we we aren't where we thought we'd be.
today, we aren't bringing home a little one.
today, we're not even preparing for a little one.
today, i don't have a giant belly, stretchmarks or swollen feet.
today, i'd give anything for that.
today, a little piece of me isn't the same.
today, i'm not sure how to feel.
today, i feel glad knowing i've shared.
today, i understand that it's just a page in our story.
today, i'm going to put it all behind me but still manage to keep it close
... and be hopeful for tomorrow.



  1. Tears started flowing as I read this. I wish I had something profound to say but I don't. It just sucks and I'm sorry :(

  2. Thinking of you Fanger....you are one strong lady!

  3. i've been thinking about you today. just remember that soon enough today will be tomorrow and that's where good things are waiting.

  4. Praying all those things will be here soon!

  5. Hi Lyndsay! I've been reading your blog for a little awhile. My husband and I are going through fertility struggles for the last year and it's encouraging to read others that are going through similar things. I remind myself daily that God is in control and that when we finally have our baby it will all make sense why we had to wait! (But that doesn't make the wait any less hard.)


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